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86% passenger drop expected by Shannon Airport over Christmas period

86% passenger drop is expected in Shannon Airport over the Christmas period while comparing it with 2019. This proves that the Covid-19 pandemic is still creating problems for almost all airports across the world.

Shannon Groups spokesperson said that nearly 10,000 passengers are expected to travel through the airport this Christmas. Last time it was nearly 70,000 passengers.

Shannon Airport will be the only airport in Ireland to be operational on Christmas day.

Flights from Stansted, Manchester and Wroclaw will be the only flights operating from Shannon over the Christmas period.

The airport spokesperson said: “2020 has been a really challenging year for the aviation and tourism sectors. Airports in Ireland and globally have been feeling the brunt of the pandemic.”  

“Passenger numbers at Shannon Airport for the first 11 months of 2020 are down 79% at just over 347,000 compared to over 1.6 million over the same period in 2019.” he added.

He also pointed out that the planned roll-out of the vaccine is very positive news, recovery for the aviation sector will be slow.

“While we won’t be able to have our usual Christmas experience, our staff have readied the airport for passengers and will give them the renowned Shannon Airport welcome,” the spokesperson said. 

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