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Man attacked by woman’s boyfriend after asking her to maintain social distance in supermarket

A man who is aged in his mid-50s was assaulted in a supermarket for asking a woman who came without wearing a mask to stay 2 metres away from him. The incident took place at Aldi Store Ireland on 28 December 2020.

Michael maintained social distance, but the woman who had no mask came close to him in a queue. When he asked her to keep a distance of 2 meters, she approached him and asked him to avoid the queue.

After the incident inside the supermarket, Michael, who is aged in his mid-50s was attacked by woman’s boyfriend in the car park.

“I was observing social distancing between myself and the lady in front and then there was a couple behind me with a trolley, all keeping our two metres with our masks on. Then I heard someone behind me saying: ‘Could I jump in?’ to the couple with the trolley so I turned around and there was a lady on my shoulder, literally on my shoulder, no mask,” Mr. Michael said.

When Michael asked the woman to step back two metres, she said, “Oh, I’m healthy.” Michael was shocked to hear her reply, and he was about to get back to his car.

“Next thing he comes around to the other side of my car, opens my door and he’s shouting and screaming at me. He kicks me into my car, a kung fu karate kick,” Mr. Michael recalled.

However, Michael took a photo of the car’s registration plate and handed it to Gardai. Gardai have confirmed that they are investigating the incident.

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