Brutal attacks by teenagers in a Dublin park; rowdy gang bust girl’s eye after punching her friend

DUBLIN: Two horrifying attacks by two different groups of teenagers occurred in a Dublin park on Monday evening, with one incident causing a Dublin student to temporarily lose sight in one of her eyes.

Anjali Sharma and a friend were visiting St Stephen’s Green around 8:30 pm on Monday when they were attacked by a gang of teenagers.

Anjali noticed a bunch of rowdy teenagers as they approached the park’s main entrance. As the two were walking, one of the gang members began to push her buddy from behind, took his earphones, and then began punching him. “We tried to escape and suddenly two or three people started hitting him again,” Anjali said.

Things got much worse when one of the teenagers pulled Anjali’s backpack hard. “I turned and they threw a can straight into my eye. I started crying and yelling because I couldn’t see anything. It felt like my eye was gone. I wasn’t able to see for almost half an hour,” she told to Dublin Live.

The rowdy gang left the scene as several people came to rescue the pair. They called the guards and an ambulance to take Anjali to the hospital. Anjali was diagnosed with retinal bruises, which would take a few weeks to recover, according to the doctor who examined her.

Anjali said that some of her vision has returned, but she is still in a lot of pain as a result of the attack. “I want justice and I don’t want this kind of incident to happen to anyone,” she said.  

The brutal attack on Anjali and her friend was the first of two attacks in Stephen’s Green on Monday evening. A similar incident occurred around the same time, 8:30 pm, in which a teenage guy was assaulted.

A Garda spokesman told Dublin Live: “Gardaí are investigating the assault of a male juvenile in his teens at Stephens Green on Monday, July 19, at approximately 8:30pm. No arrests have been made, investigations are ongoing.”

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