A Leaving Cert Tragedy to Ireland’s Educational History

Experts say the announcement of the results of the Leaving Cert exam will be a disaster in Ireland’s educational history. The dreams of thousands of talented students were shattered when the most important assessment and results were announced in such a deplorable manner. The concerned minister was even unable to answer for when the government will resolve the issue.

Now they are blaming the software of a Canadian company. But today, sincere students bear the brunt of the careless handling of the evaluation of the Leaving Cert course, which will have a profound effect on future generations. Political parties, ministers and leaders can leave the subject with regrets and few statements.

But experts point out that errors in learning processes do not just turn into clerical errors. Already 6500 students have been found to have erroneous results. More thousands of students’ results may be found to be at fault. They have already joined for several courses.

The worst case scenario is for children who got a low grade on the fault of the authorities. It remains to be seen if they will get the chance to join the course of their choice this year. They might have already joined any course. What will they do next? Will they continue the current course or join new one…

It cannot rule out the possibility that the government, which has sidelined the dreams of future generations, will be hunted down for a long time. The socio-political atmosphere, which was relatively smooth even among the COVID – was disturbed by the idiotic system.

The announcement of results was initially misunderstood as a great success. But the fault in the grading was discovered last Tuesday night. That is, about seven days after the result is announced. Students who are found to have earned the wrong grades may have won college course offers.

The Prime Minister had stated that all students should look for ways to avoid missing out on opportunities. The Minister of Education had also stated that no student would suffer. Experts say their statements will put pressure on colleges, but will be treated as a normal appeal process.

Data from students’ junior certificates were used as a measuring stick for compiling the Leaving Certificate results. Instead of considering the students’ strongest non-core junior certificate subjects, the weakest were considered. Another mistake was not considering civic, social, and political education issues. These are the problems that are currently being identified. Do you think this is the end of it?

There is a lot of concern in the education sector as to how all this will end. Even if it ends, there is no doubt that this crisis will be part of the political education syllabus of the future. Minister Norma Foley has assured distressed students that the Leaving Cert chapter will end well. However, history will testify that the end of this chapter will not be so nice for this government.