A US company fired an employee for an unusual reason, which backfired spectacularly

A Florida-based company fired a worker for failing to keep the camera turned on while working from home. The employee was a Netherlands resident, and a Netherlands court ordered the US Corporation to pay a fine as part of the settlement since the man was defending his privacy rights.

Chetu, a Florida-based telemarketing company, had ordered one of its workers to work from home with the camera on for around nine hours a day. However, the worker felt uneasy since the firm was using a tool that required the user to share both his laptop’s screen and his live video.

The company dismissed him because he refused to heed the request. According to reports, the employee felt that his firm was violating his privacy by constantly watching him through a camera and monitoring him by requesting him to share his laptop’s screen. As a result, when the employee refused to comply, the company filed false allegations against him.

According to the report, the employee was fired for “insubordination” and “refusal to work.” Following this, Chetu was punished by a Netherlands court, which stated that “requiring remote personnel to have their webcam on constitutes a human rights infringement.” A hefty fine was levied against the firm. It must now pay $72,700 (about Rs 60 lakh) to the former remote employee, who is based in the Netherlands.

Chetu is not the only company that uses monitoring software to keep tabs on their personnel. According to research by Digital.com, almost 60% of organisations that enable employees to work from home use this sort of software to track their productivity and job activities. This has apparently assisted companies in determining that employees squander three to four hours per day performing non-office activities.

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