Aging Ireland…..

Dublin: Based on the Health Key Trends report, Ireland has the highest number of elderly people in Europe. Ireland is ageing faster than any other European country, according to the report. This population change is expected to put a strain on the country’s health-care system and pose challenges in the future.

In the last ten years, the population of people over the age of 65 has grown by 35%. This is more than three times the overall population increase. The report expects this age group to double in the next 20 years.

The number of people above the age of 85 is increasing proportionately. The report warns that people aged 65 and over will make up more than a fifth of the working population over the next 20 years, making it harder to pay for health services.

For each over 65-year-old, it was assumed that there were five workers equally. But within 20 years, the ratio has dropped to one-third, the report says.

Handy spending on health.

Ireland, based on the report, is the country that spends the most on health care. Ireland is the fourth-highest spender on health care in the world. Ireland’s position is after the US, Canada, Germany, and France. Germany and France are on an equal footing.

In the last decade, the number of nurses has increased by 50% and by 20%, respectively. An additional 1,000 acute beds. According to the report, health spending will rise by 69.5 percent between 2012 and 2021, placing Ireland seventh in the OECD.

“It’s great that people are living longer lives, but it’s critical that they stay healthy during this time,” says the report.

Highest life expectancy.

Ireland now has Europe’s highest life expectancy. In the last decade, there has been a two-year increase. This achievement has been achieved through lower death rates from heart attacks, strokes, and cancer. As per the report, the gender gap in life expectancy has narrowed to 3.6 years, suicide rates have dropped by a third, and tobacco and alcohol consumption have decreased.

The birth rate is falling.

At the same time, the report also warns of a declining birth rate. The birth rate is at least one-fifth. For the first time in ten years, the birth rate is expected to rise to 4.4 percent in 2021. Birth rates among new immigrants to Ireland are increasing, but the country has the sixth-lowest fertility rate in Europe. According to the report, long waiting lists have not changed significantly.

In 2021, 1.5 million people visited hospital emergency departments. This represents a 13% increase over the previous year. The number of OP categories increased by 8%. 3.2 million people came here.

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