Amma Ireland Organises Charity Walk – 10K of Love from Ireland

Mata Amritanandamayi has been coming to Europe for over 30 years to give her love and wisdom to the people of Ireland.

Meeting Amma has been a precious experience that has helped millions of people to find peace and serenity.

Amma’s programme also offers people the opportunity to raise funds for Embracing the World’s humanitarian projects. Many people around the world does charity and goodness through these programme.

The programmes in Europe and Ireland are cancelled this year, because Amma can’t travel. The news was announced through

“This year due to the Covid-19 emergency, Amma is unable to travel and so unfortunately there will be no programme in Ireland/Europe.” The statement says.

Even though Amma’s visit is cancelled, the organisers of the trust deeply believes in continuing the charity programs.

This year they are planning to walk the distance from Europe to Amritapuri. This was also announced through Amma Ireland web page.

“Ireland will walk side by side with Amma’s children in the UK to trek the 10,000km distance that physically separates us from Amma.”

The charity walk will take place from October 1st to November 30th – in the period when they usually meet Amma in Europe.

“Everyone can participate: you decide the route and the distance!” said the organization.

The organization has also made necessary arrangements for the registration process. Those who can’t register for a walk could also show their support by making donations as their contributions towards the cause.

Here is the registration process:

Register here and with a donation of €25 you can pledge the km you plan to walk, and another amount that you can fundraise or donate at the end of the walk.

You can use GoFundMe to share the link with your friends, families or colleagues and directly collect money for Amma Ireland there – here is the link: