Ants build history; the Irish people are in real trouble

Dublin: Studies show that the number of ants in Ireland is rising and making history, just as record-breaking winter temperatures are.

Ireland, the only country in the world without snakes, has relatively few ants and parasites. Research indicates all of these are active recently.

The ants, which normally invade during the summer, arrived this time as temperatures rose, even in the winter. Rentokil, a pest control agency, says many homes and businesses are in trouble with ants.

The number of phone calls seeking pest control rose by 35 per cent during January-February. Dublin, the capital city is also home to ants.

About 28% of the calls received by Rentokil were from Dublin. They received 18% of calls from Cork and 16% from Kerry. Kildare residents also suffer from ants and moths.

Richard Faulkner, a technical field consultant at Rentokil, says that black garden ants are mostly found in homes in Ireland. They are attracted by the mild climate. All it takes to reach out for food is one member and then the ants arrive in huge numbers.

The proliferation of ants is also a reflection of the climatic change. The best way to keep ants away is to keep the house as clean as possible.

It’s always better to clean up leftover food and drink without any delay. Otherwise they will join a group and will become our uninvited guests.