Beyond Yes and No….

DUBLIN: Ambiguities, concerns, and debates still exist regarding the two referendums that will be held in Ireland tomorrow (Friday). It is thought that it will be useful for the readers to describe the referendums in short words at this stage. It is not necessary to say yes or no, but what is a referendum?

Family Referendum

One issue is how to define the family in the constitution. The other is how to approve CARE. The two issues are related to each other, even though a separate vote is being held. The current constitution only links the family to marriage, but a Yes vote in this referendum will extend the family beyond marriage, but the meaning of marriage will not change in any way. The family will be considered as the basic unit group of the society. The government will protect marriage with special care. But the definition of family will be changed.

But the referendum did not define the term “durable relationship.”

If a case related to this comes to court, the judge can make a decision considering the existing laws regarding that relationship. However, the referendum did not propose any new legislation in this regard. However, in the previous referendum, such as abortion (eighth amendment), new laws were published in advance. However, the government made additions later.

About the CARE referendum

In the CARE referendum, as in the current constitution, there is a special section for women and their lives within the home. It is mentioned in two sentences. But the word care is not specifically mentioned. The referendum says that life at home is good for society because it contributes to the common good.

Women should not be forced to do any work that neglects their household duties. The constitution adds that it should have the attention of the state. Women are not barred from working outside the home, and women who wish to work only at home are not barred from doing so. If there is a no vote, these two sentences will remain in the Constitution. If yes, they will be removed from the constitution. A new sentence would be written instead, which would look like this:

“The government recognises that society supports the provision of care by family members to each other, and without it, the common good cannot exist. Hence, the Constitution mentions care for the first time. ” Family members provide care for each other, and in that case, the state must try to support it.” In particular cases, the courts can be asked to decide whether the state has made an effort to provide adequate support for care at some point.

Electoral Commission Chairperson Justice Mary Baker said that the word “strive” in the amendment has no specific legal definition and it simply means “endeavour.”

Can you trust the government?

Leo Varadkar’s Fine Gael-led Front and the Opposition have a way of keeping constitutional amendments away from good. Yesterday’s approval of assisted death by a parliamentary committee is the latest example of this. Organisations, including Pro Life, say that the policy of the politicians is promoting the culture of death. Thousands of names have been cut from the voters’ list; government officials have not been appointed in the polling booths and counting booths, but people have been appointed to the contract.

When the referendum is unpopular.

Referendums will be held on Friday that will test Ireland’s morals.

There are two ballot papers in the referendum to be held on March 8 (Friday). The government is asking voters through a white ballot paper question to ‘broaden’ the definition of family (replace Article 41.1.1) to include those who want a ‘durable relationship’ outside of marriage, to include in the system of family. . It is a skillful escape by the government and political parties to misuse the constitution for the benefit of the future government by not giving an explanation.

This kind of government drama is what the Irish people saw through the abortion referendum. Varadkar, Micheal, and Mary Lou, who are concerned about Israel killing ten thousand Palestinian babies within a year of the start of the war, have one thing to remember. After the abortion referendum, Ireland mercilessly killed more babies than that. What they said then should be considered: that the constitutional amendment is to be used only in emergencies.

The Green Paper seeks to remove Article 41.2 through a ballot question.

We have seen Supreme Court Judge and Electoral Commission Chairman Mary Baker directly correct Varadkar’s gang, who started a false campaign saying that the Constitution states that ‘a woman’s place is in the home’ and therefore it should be rewritten. Yes, supporters are campaigning full of lies and untruths.

While the government says it will provide care at home and in the wider community, the wording in the referendum does not make that clear. The wording “shall strive to support such provision” is not a guarantee to help the needy, but a vague promise to strive. We have to think that the government is running away from care and responsibility.

Anyone who wants a better future of the country cannot support the constitutional amendment this time. The government should try to bring better amendments instead of vague proposals.

If you cast a vote and support the government, remember that you are complicit in plunging this country into misery. Don’t vote. You have a great right to reject the constitutional amendment. Go to the polling booth any time between 7 a.m. to 10 p.m. on Friday and write on the ballot papers to oppose and defeat these anti-people and unethical proposals…! Let us remember what Albert Einstein said – ‘The world will not be destroyed by those who do evil, but by those who watch them without doing anything.’… We should not be silent…. Let’s wake up and work!

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