Boy of 12 got attacked by Teen gangs for electric scooter

A gang of teenagers attacked a 12 year old boy and stole his electric scooter in Finglas over the weekend. Gardai is on the investigation of the issue.

The trio targeted a 12-year-old in the north Dublin suburb after spotting him riding the scooter, which he has received as a Christmas present just days prior. The teenagers, understood to be aged 15-17, approached the child on Lanesborough Avenue, attacking him and snatching the scooter before running away.

A text warning residents to keep an eye out for the gang has been circulated by a community group, and Gardaí have urged any potential witness to come forward with information. ‘A 12-year-old was attacked near Lanesborough Avenue and had his electric scooter stolen,’ the text read. ‘Three 15 to 17 year olds committed this attack and Gardai are involved.

‘A lot of kids got these as presents. Please keep your kids safe, there are a few of these gangs not from our area wandering our estates. Make your kids aware and please contact Gardai if you see anyone or anything suspicious.’

A Garda spokesperson said that Gardaí has received report of the theft which occurred at approximately 5:45pm on Lanesborough Avenue, Finglas, December 27 2020 and assured that enquiries are going on.