Cannabis out of the list of deadly drugs; UN Narcotics Commission with decision

UN Narcotics Commission to remove cannabis from list of dangerous drugs. Cannabis has been on Schedule IV list of lethal drugs since 1961.

The move by the UN Narcotics Commission follows a recommendation by the World Health Organization to shift cannabis from Schedule four to Schedule One.

The United States and Britain have taken the initiative to change cannabis from Schedule IV. India also supported the move. But countries like China, Russia and Pakistan voted against the move. These countries have expressed concern about changing cannabis from Schedule IV.

Earlier, it was alleged that cannabis was being used in a number of cases and that schedule four should be changed. At the same time, the share value of companies using cannabis for medicinal purposes in the US has risen following the UN move.

Experts point out that removing cannabis from the list of deadly drugs will increase the likelihood of cannabis-related research and medical use.

At the same time, even if Schedule IV is removed, governments in various countries will still have the power to prevent the misuse of cannabis.

Twenty-seven countries have voted in favor of removing cannabis from the list of deadly drugs. Meanwhile, 25 countries opposed. Ukraine abstained from voting.

The United States and European countries voted in favor of the resolution, while China, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan and Russia opposed it.

Dirk Heightpriem, vice president of the Canadian cannabis company Canopy Growth, said the decision to remove cannabis from the list of deadly drugs was a good one and would encourage more countries to use cannabis for treatment.

At the same time, the popularity of cannabis for therapeutic purposes has been growing over the years. Some research suggests that cannabis may be effective in protecting the nervous system and in treating epilepsy, pain, anxiety, and inflammation.

Cannabis creams, serums, sodas and juices are also in high demand.

Opponents, however, argue that legalizing cannabis could lead to serious health problems.