Charlie Hebdo again with the controversial cartoon

French satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo republishes Controversial cartoons.

On January 7, 2015, certain sets of cartoons led to the terrorist attack on Charlie Hebdo’s office and now they have republished these same cartoons.

Twelve people, including cartoonist Jean Kabut, better known as Kabu, were shot dead by unknown masked men that day.

Laurent Soriso, the magazine’s director, said the cartoon was being republished shortly before the trial of the 14 defendants in the assault case began.

“We will never rest or give up,” he wrote, along with cartoons in the new issue.

He said that the cartoon has long been in need of republishing, but he was waiting for the right time.

The new edition contains 12 controversial cartoons. The most controversial of these was the cartoon about the Prophet Muhammad. With the republishing of the cartoons, Charlie Hebdo once again opened the door to controversy.

Protests are also rising in various parts of the world demanding the withdrawal of controversial cartoons.