Christmas Message; Pope Francis calls nations to share the vaccine

Pope Francis’s Christmas message for nations is to share Covid-19 vaccines amongst each other.

He said that walls of nationalism could not be built to stop a pandemic that knows no borders.

The message was dominated by the effects of Covid-19. The pop called for global unity through his speech and help for nations suffering from conflicts and humanitarian crises.

“At this moment in history, marked by the ecological crisis and grave economic and social imbalances only worsened by the coronavirus pandemic, it is all the more important for us to acknowledge one another as brothers and sisters,” he said.

He pointed out that health is a serious issue and also critisised the concept of vaccine nationalism.

“May the Son of God renew in political and government leaders a spirit of international cooperation, starting with health care, so that all will be ensured access to vaccines and treatment. In the face of a challenge that knows no borders, we cannot erect walls. All of us are in the same boat,” he said.