Corona virus rise: Tight restrictions across Europe

The death toll of Covid-19 in Europe went through 700,000. As a precaution, stricter restrictions were enforced by many European countries and towns.

A total of 703,640 deaths have been registered worldwide, and the US remains the worst-hit country with 1,262 deaths and 53,158 cases recorded in the world yesterday from the latest reports from official sources to date.

“We are trying to awaken people with messages and daily announcements on additional measures,” announcing the re-introduction of restrictions in Greece, government spokesman Stelios Petsas said.

Health Minister Jens Spahn blamed both travelers returning from abroad and people’s lack of care for social distances. “Travellers returning to Germany from risk regions will face mandatory coronavirus tests from Saturday”, he added.

Scotland’s first Minister, Nicola Sturgeon, warned citizens that there has been a significant increase in positive cases in recent days. She also added, “This virus is still very much out there and circulating in Scotland.”

● Toulouse in southwest France made face masks compulsory.

● One of the country’s biggest meat processing plants, Westvlees, in Belgium, has sent their 225 staff home to quarantine after a cluster of coronavirus cases was discovered. 

● Switzerland has added 46 countries, as well as Singapore and Romania, to a quarantine list of mainland Spain.

● Similar mask-wearing measures came into effect in the Netherland’s and in some busy Amsterdam neighbourhoods.

New prevention initiatives may be announced in Finland, as the Covid cases in the country are rising.

The transmission rate of the virus has now risen above 1, to between 1.1 and 1.4, according to new figures, the strategic director of the health ministry, Liisa-Maria Voipio-Pulkki, told a press conference.

Even though Finland still has Europe’s lowest cases, there could be a possibility for regional lockdown measures and for the first time a recommendation to wear face masks.

As a prevention from the second wave of corona virus, Australia’s second-biggest city, Melbourne, has started the first day of a six-week total lockdown with most shops and businesses closed down.

Australia has now reported about 20,000 cases of Covid-19 and 255 deaths, though far fewer than many other developing nations. “Once we’ve flattened the curve, we’re going to flatten the curve again,” Health Minister Greg Hunt said to reporters.

Australia had taken effective prevention strategies by rapid testing and locking the international and urban borders. But what triggered it was the hidden transmissions in quarantine centers among workers that led to wider community spread in Victoria.

More than 500 prisoners in the U.S. state of Arizona have been screened positively for the novel coronavirus, officials said.

Officials cannot compel sufficient distancing in crowded cells and face medical staff shortages and personal protective equipment. 

Over 180,000 cases of coronavirus have been recorded in Arizona, a population of 7.3 million, of which 1,429 are in prisons. Six of his deaths in Covid-19 were in state jails. 

However, California has confirmed 51 inmate deaths, including 22 in San Quentin Prison just north of San Francisco. 

The Philippines overtook Indonesia with the highest number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in East Asia. 

Yesterday the Philippines reported 3,561 new infections, bringing its total confirmed cases to 119,460. Philippines haven’t surpassed the death rate for now than Indonesia. But the record says it’s expected to overtake as cases rise in the coming days.

President Rodrigo Duterte declared a two-week lockdown in and around Manila, and shutting down public transport.

The only way to bring hope to the world and combat this pandemic is through a vaccine.

The world’s hope of ending the current cycle of outbreaks and lockdowns rests on finding a treatment, which has proved elusive so far. 

The U.S. government has announced a new $1bn investment in Johnson & Johnson’s production of a Covid-19 vaccine, which promises 100 million doses.

A vaccine developed by the German pharmaceutical group BioNTech with Chinese company Fosun Pharma started clinical trials on humans in China.