EU approves Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine; vaccine will be delivered next week

DUBLIN: The European Union (EU) has officially approved the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine for distribution throughout the EU. This is on the recommendation of the European Medicines Agency (EMA). It is expected to get market approval in two to three days. The current decision is to conduct immunizations across the European Union from December 27 to 29. Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said the vaccine would be available in Ireland in the coming days.

First priority for the vulnerable

“The most vulnerable will be prioritised first and over time, these vaccines will allow us to re-open our society and economy. In the meantime, I am asking everyone to continue to follow the public health guidance,” Health Minister Stephen Donnelly said.

HSEC CEO Paul Reid said the vaccine offers great hope. However, he added that people should “keep in mind that the vaccine is not our first line of defence against Covid-19 for now, nor will it be for some time to come”.

The EMA said the vaccine was approved after rigorous evaluations. Emer Cooke, executive director of EMA, said the vaccine had been evaluated for its quality, safety and effectiveness. “We have achieved this milestone thanks to the dedication of scientists, doctors, developers and trial volunteers as well as many experts from all EU Member States,” he said.

Delivery of the first dose takes 7-10 days

It will take 7-10 days for the first doses of the 2.2 million Pfizer/BioNTech vaccines to be delivered to Ireland to be approved, said Professor Brian MacCraith, head of the vaccine taskforce. According to the National Strategy, the first vaccination will be given to long-term care home members over 65 years of age. The vaccine will then be given to leading health workers who care directly for patients.

Lorraine Nolan, CEO of the Health Products Regulatory Authority, said the vaccine will only be available after the vaccine is safe and effective. She said the key criteria for this would not be compromised.

The EMA revealed that clinical trial of the vaccine have shown that COVID-19 is effective in preventing people 16 years of age and older. A total of 44,000 people participated in the process. Half were vaccinated and half were given placebo. The people on trial didn’t know which one they were receiving. 36,000 people had no symptoms of infection. The study found a 95% reduction in the number of symptomatic COVID-19 cases in the people who received the vaccine. A decision on US firm Moderna, will be made on January 6.