Extra Covid Restrictions lifted from Kildare; situation in Kildare is now similar to other counties

The specific covid-19 restrictions in Kildare will be lifted with immediate effects. The government has recently announced that they are planning to lift the restriction in the county.

Stephen Donnelly, the Minister for Health the early has said that the early precautions and initiatives have done the job. The measures were accurate and that helped in bringing the situation of Kildare under control in a quick time.

The Minister has said these things while addressing the RTÉ’s Six One 6.1. He mentioned that additional measures which had introduced all over the country as a part of restrictions are found to be working really well.

The restrictions in Kildare were lifted early because the people of the county were so supportive to the government and they followed the instructions correctly, he said.

Before the restrictions the Covid spread happened in workplaces and from there people carried it to their home and later the situation got worse and the county was closed.

The government has recently released a statement, in which they said that the situation in Kildare is now similar to the rest of the county and thus they are planning to take off the additional restrictions from the county.

“The rolling 5-day average in Kildare is 10.8 cases as of 29 August. This compares to a 5-day average of 22.2 cases in Kildare on 6 August,”

“75 cases were notified in Kildare in the week to 29 August. This compares to 238 cases notified in the week to 8 August, 170 cases in the week to 15 August, and 159 cases in the week to 22 August.” the statement said.

The community transmission rate in the county has reached to a percentage, which is similar to that of other counties too. The lockdown imposed for the past few days had made the change for Kildare.

Though the extra restrictions are taken away, the common restrictions and guidelines will be applicable to Kildare as well. Some of the restaurants and cafes were closed, because they were not allowed to serve food within, only takeaways and deliveries were allowed.

Along with Laois and Offaly the extra restrictions were imposed in Kildare on August 8. Because of the quick recovery the extra restrictions were taken off from Offaly and Laois after two weeks. But the authorities extended the restrictions of Kildare for another couple of weeks.

Meanwhile, an agreement was accepted at an all-party meeting convened by the government yesterday to closely monitor the activities of meat factories in Kildare. Leading opposition leaders, including Prime Minister Michael Martin, HSE Chief Executive Officer Paul Reid and Acting CEO Dr Ronan Glynn, were present in the meeting.

The ability of the intensive care units to handle the virus outbreak was also discussed. The government had also said that there has been a 30-fold increase in the number of ICU beds.

According to the Department of Health, there are 53 new cases of Covid-19 in the country and zero deaths were reported.

At the same time 58 more people were tested positive for Covid-19 in the Northern Ireland.