France plans to extend night curfew to more than 38 regional departments

France last week implemented their next stage of restrictions by implementing curfews to a few cities, but no the government is planning to extend the curfew to more than 38 regional departments.

The curfew timing will be from 9 pm to 6 pm and the new rule will come into effect from Friday midnight.

The estimate is that the latest curfew will have an impact on 46 million of French population.

They have adopted such a strict action due to the rapid increase in positive cases and to lower down the spread of the virus, said French Prime Minister Jean Castex.

The recent timings will have an effect on the financial sectors of France, certain businesses have already rearranged their timings in order to save their business and also to cop up with the new curfew system.

A movie theater in France have altered their timing and also offers breakfast to customers at morning 8 o’clock, they hope that this will pull people to the movies at an earlier time.

“A second wave of the coronavirus epidemic is now under way in France and Europe. The situation is very serious,” Mr Castex said at a news conference.

He also said that the coming month will be extremely tough and they expect a rise in the mortality rate in the coming weeks.

He made it clear that the new curfew will come into effect from Friday midnight and will last for six weeks.

The curfew rules will be altered according to the situation and there will be evaluations next week, he said.  

More than 34,000 people have died in France due to Covid-19. The country has reported more a seven-day average of more than 20,000 new cases over the past six days and the total number of confirmed infections is now over 957,000.