Gardai changes checkpoints as motorists get irritated due to huge traffic jam

DUBLIN: Gardai announced changes to two COVID-19 checkpoints on the N7, as part of Operation Fanacht. At checkpoints on the N7 and M2, a new traffic layout has introduced which provides a Heavy Goods Vehicle lane to minimise the delay or disruption for morning travelers.

Prior to entering the COVID checkpoints, a sign board has now been set up and the right-hand lane will only be open for HGVs.

On Wednesday, as the country switched to Level 3 restrictions, gardai set up more than 100 checkpoints on major roads as they sought to avoid people leaving their county for non-essential purposes.

Thousands of people were caught in 8km long tailbacks due to massive traffic jam. Eugene Drennan, President of the Irish Road Haulage Association (IRHA), said hauliers were upset as deliveries lasted for hours after experiencing a huge traffic jam at COVID checkpoints last Wednesday. It was in the wake of this that Gardai had to make such a decision.

Mr. Drennan said that the Hauliers, who were jammed that day in traffic, had lost the whole day, and could not provide an accurate estimate of the loss.

Mr. Drennan also asked motorists to consider whether their journey is in fact necessary before they leave.

This soon became an issue as rush hour traffic struck, with the morning commuters complaining that they were stuck in the tailbacks.