Global Pandemic Leads to Hike in Food Delivery Business

Food delivery has become one of the major beneficiary business of the year. Since January this year the food delivery company Deliveroo signed up contracts with more than 600 new hotels. The business got such a mileage because of the Covid-19 lockdown.

They got 64% of fresh sign-ups from Dublin, 11% from Cork and the rest from other cities like Limerick, Galway and Belfast.

Deliveroo was launched in 2015 as one amongst many in the food delivery market. At present they have 1800 restaurants and 1000 self employed servicing. The company recently shook hands with supermarket chain Aldi to deliver groceries from certain stores.

Looking in a global context, 2020 is the year of food delivery sectors. Car sharing services like Uber was able to generate more revenue from their food delivering that transporting people.

JMP Securities analyst Ron Josey says “Delivery is clearly one of the major beneficiaries of Covid-19, bolstering UberEats as well as competitors GrubHub and DoorDash.”

Uber was earning a handsome percentage of revenue through UberEats even before the pandemic, but now this has become their main focus point. Uber has started delivering packages, groceries and other things.