Great opportunity awaits for nurses and midwives in Ireland

HSE urges overseas Irish nurses and midwives to return to Ireland. The Southwest Hospital Group (SWHG) has launched a new campaign calling for the return of Irish nurses abroad.

The SWHG includes 10 acute hospitals in the south of Ireland.

The SWHG includes Cork University Hospital, Cork University Maternity Hospital, South Informative Victoria University Hospital, Mercy University Hospital, Malo General Hospital, University Hospital Kerry, Bantry General Hospital, South Tipperary General Hospital, University Hospital Waterford and Kilkreen Regional Orthopedic Hospital.

Ann Keller, SWHG Nurse Practice Development Coordinator, said there are great opportunities ahead for nurses returning to Ireland. Keller says it would be great if Irish-trained nurses could be brought back because they are famous around the world.

Nurses in all specialties across SWHG have vacancies at HSE. While it is easy to attract people to cities, there are many opportunities in areas such as West Cork, Kerry and Tipperary.

Keller said that in the past, there were few opportunities for career advancement in these places, but today that has changed.

There is considerable opportunity for clinical progress in Ireland now, but not so many years ago. By raising the number of nurses and midwives by two per cent, ANP and AMP will be able to keep pace with the number of UK nurse consultants.

In addition to offering great opportunities, HSE also offers excellent salaries, permanent contracts and allotment allowances for nurses. The government recently implemented a pay rise and a new contract for nurses and midwives.

Affiliated with Cork University College and other higher education institutions, HSE offers excellent opportunities for further education to those who wish to become advanced nurse practitioners.

Nurses also have the opportunity to work in acute and community services through the health care program. This is a 10-year plan to reform the healthcare system in Ireland.

The project aims to make medical facilities available at home, facilitate hospital services, reduce waiting lists, facilitate hospital discharge and avoid unnecessary attendance at hospitals.

This will help reduce stress in acute hospitals and make Ireland’s health care system more effective for patients and staff. To achieve these goals, HSE needs more nurses, midwives, advanced nurses and midwife practitioners in all specialties.

Therefore, Ireland opens up a great opportunity for the qualified ones.

Applications should be sent to if there are any nurses or midwives qualified to work in Ireland.