Halloween won’t be the same this year; Minister asks parents and children to stick to government guidelines

The Fine Gael Cabinet Minister Harris has acknowledged that Halloween will be different this year. In a message to children across Ireland whom are hoping to go door-to-door claiming sweets Harris said that Halloween is not same from last year.

“I’ve gotten lots of contact from lots of children asking about Halloween, and in the past when we’ve been blunt and honest with our kids they’ve responded with such resilience,” He said on Instagram.


Harris said that children are also having a tough time this year, there schools were cancelled, exams got cancelled and they can’t even enjoy a good Halloween.

“In relation to Halloween, let me say this, it’s going to be different this year, it’s not a good idea to start trapesing around to everybody’s house but that doesn’t mean you can’t have a good time,” he said.

The Minister asks the children to spend some good time with their parents and family by dressing up in scary costumes, watching movies and playing games.

He also said that there must be cautions in everything because he doesn’t want children to affected with Covid-19 as they celebrate Halloween. Thus, he is asking both children and parents to follow the rules and guidelines setup by the government.