Helen McEntee tested positive for Covid-19; Concerns over her health as she is pregnant

Covid-19 is still holding its grip tightly and adding numbers to its side. Recently Justice Minister Helen McEntee has tested positive for Covid-19.

This news has been raising many concerns because of the fact that Minister for Justice is pregnant. She has confirmed that she will be doing her job by sitting at home.

“I was recently tested and have received a positive result for Covid-19.” she posted.

“In line with our HSE guidance I am isolating. I am continuing to carry out my duties by working remotely including attending Cabinet…. The information the HSE has shows that pregnant women or their babies are not at a higher risk if we get Covid19.” she stated.

In her statement she also urge everyone to follow public health advice and stay at home.

“If you think you’re developing symptoms no matter how small, act as though you have Covid.. We all know the seriousness of the situation. We must protect our health system and our most vulnerable.” she said.

It is just before a special Cabinet meeting that Ms McEntee’s announcement comes and is set to sign off on a return to the strictest of lockdowns.

No other ministers tested positive after they all got checked after the news.