Authorities and Officials repeatedly confirms that Hogan had violated the Public Health Guidelines

Indications are that the ‘days are numbered’ by EU Commissioner Phil Hogan, who has violated the Covid guidelines and motor vehicle lawsuits. The government wants Hogan to voluntarily take the same path as the outgoing Agriculture Minister over a similar issue like this.

But Hogan is slipping away without being caught. At the same time the authorities are trying their level best to pull down Hogan from his chair.

Hogan had given the explanation requested by the Prime Minister, the Deputy Prime Minister and the Communications Minister, but reports says that none of them are totally happy with Hogan’s statement. The assessment is that there is still frustration and concern over Hogan’s action.

Hogan had earlier told the RTE in a rude way that he did not agree with HSE’s guidelines for alleged violations.

This has also angered the government. The government is adamant that Commissioner Phil Hogan has violated Ireland’s public health guidelines.

According to the guidelines, Hogan had to limit his moves to 14 days after arriving from Brussels on July 31, but he didn’t follow that and also did not limit his journey to Kildare too.

He also attended an Oriachos golf course site party in Galway, out of Covid control. Many make many sacrifices to comply with public health guidelines. In this context, the government is of the view that this arrogance of Mr. Hogan is at the top and that cannot be allowed.

The government has brought the matter to the attention of European Commission President Ursula von Der Leiden, but the commission is not yet ready for an open response. Irish government is waiting for this response.

Hogan, a TD from the Carlo Kilkenny constituency, was elected as the European Trade Commissioner when he was minister in charge of the environment. Ultimately the Commissioner is accountable to the European Commission and not to the Irish Government.

It remains to be seen, whether the European Commission will allow Hogan to remain in a position unfavorable to the Irish government.

Fianna Fáil has lost two of their ministers within a short period of two months and the party is also trying hard to expel Hogan too, because he had committed similar mistake.

But it’s now said that Fingal has announced support to the opinions of the Fianna Fáil publicly, but it is now trying to support Hogan secretly.

With this Fianna Fáil is now determined that they will make Hogan resign somehow, because there is a saying that Fingal can do whatever they want, but Fianna Fáil cannot. Thus, the party is looking forward to prove this statement wrong with Hogan’s resignation.