Holiday party hangovers are not good while you drive, survey says

Drink and drive has turnout to be a huge problem in Ireland also. According to the reports one in eight Irish motorists admit to driving the morning after a night involving a few drinks and most of them are uncertain about the amount of alcohol in them while driving in the morning.

More than 5,000 Irish motorists were called up for a survey done by AA Ireland. The car insurance company came up with such an idea to enlighten people while they enjoy their holidays.

These people were asked about whether they face any difficulties or risks while driving in the mornings after a night party.

7.79% people admitted that they had faced such a situation at least once in their life.

Meanwhile, 4.07 per cent admitted to doing so on up to five occasions, with 0.5 per cent taking such a risk on five or more occasions.

Conor Faughnan, AA director of consumer affairs stated that “Many of us will be spending time between Christmas and New Years with family that we may not have seen much over the past year so understandably, even if a traditional night out isn’t an option this Christmas, people will want to celebrate with their loved ones in some manner. “

However, if you know that you must travel the following day, it is important that you act appropriately, he said

He also added that some people will think that a few hours sleep and a strong coffee will have them in a position to drive safely the morning after but you could easily still be above the limit and represent a danger to yourself and other road users.

Through the survey the company also found that over four percent of the respondents had been on the passenger seat and knew that the driver is having alcohol content way over the limit.