HOPE foundation paid tribute to Geeta Venkataraman, who died of Covid-19

The Hope Foundation, Ireland remembered Geeta Venkataraman. She was a social worker and also Kolkata Director of The HOPE foundation, who died at the age of 50 due to a Heart attack which due to the complication from Covid-19.

HOPE foundation is an Irish charity working for the upliftment of slum children in India. Geeta was the Kolkata director and co – founder of HOPE.

Geeta was tested positive for Covid-19 on the first week of October, even though there weren’t any health complications in the initial stages, but the situation worsened last week, said Charlotte Nagle, a spokeswoman for the HOPE Foundation.

Geetha’s sudden absence is a great loss to the Foundation, which comforts thousands of the poor in India every year.

“She touched everybody. She was so humble and warm and loving. I can’t believe she’s gone,” Charlotte said.

Charlotte also added that Geeta was like a mother to many homeless children and she will remain as an irreplaceable personality.

Maureen Forrest, Charity founder and Honourary Director of HOPE Ireland, who was extremely close to her Indian counterparts since decades said that “There are no words that can express our deep anguish and sorrow for the enormity of this tragic loss. Geeta has been a special friend to me for 21 years and a special friend to the HOPE family. To her HOPE family all over the world, many of you met her and loved her. Everyone knew her big heart and will mourn her loss with us all. We are especially thinking of her beloved HOPE children who will be heartbroken.”

Geeta Venkataraman’s body was cremated within 24 hours of her death with all the needful customs as per Hindu ritual belief.

However, officials at the charity’s Irish offices are holding a virtual memorial service next week with colleagues in Kolkata.

Family: Ravi (Husband) and Harish (Son)