How should drug use be handled in Varadkar’s Ireland? The discussion continues………

Dublin: Citizens Assembly is seeking public comments and suggestions on drug use and control. Every valuable comment made by citizens on the government portal is expected to be decisive in policymaking by the government. The portal on the assembly’s website is now open to the public.

All eligible submissions received by the due date will be published on the Assembly website along with the name and details of the individual and organisation. Those who wish to keep their entries private will be able to do so.

The assembly said personal information, including email address, phone number, and mailing address, will be retained to verify identity. Only eligible submissions will be published. The Assembly will have the authority to make a decision in this matter. Submissions may be in written or video form. There are eight weeks for submitting submissions. It will expire on June 30, 2023.

The Citizens’ Assembly came into being in March. The Citizens’ Assembly was set up by former HSE CEO Paul Reid and chaired by former HSEC CEO Paul Reid. The Assembly has 99 ordinary members.

To decriminalise drug use, …make facilities like self-injection easily available… The survey report’s recommendations go like this:

Prior to this, a survey report was released on a group of young people as part of the Citizens Assembly’s public consultation on drugs. Hildegard Naughton, Minister of State for Public Health and Drug Strategy, released the Citizens’ Assembly survey report.

The survey report makes recommendations for decriminalising drug use and making self-injection facilities more accessible. Although the report contains responses from the younger generation, it is believed that the report’s recommendations are of general interest to the general public.

The survey was conducted among young people from Comhairle na nÓg and Hub na nÓg, with assistance from the Department of Health. The consultation included people of all ages, from over 15 to young and old.

The survey report also recommends legalising cannabis use and allocating tax revenue from it to harm reduction and detox centres.

47% said drug treatment and support should go together, 24% voted for education and law reform, and 5% voted for community life improvement.

The report also suggests that clean needles for drug use, health care, and other purposes be made available in clinics. In the report, the age for providing drug education should be reduced to 16, and awareness among teachers, parents, and youth should be increased.

Young people from different backgrounds across the country have connected with this report. However, the minister said anyone in Ireland could still contact the Citizens’ Assembly to inform the next generation.

A special portal has been opened on the website. Comments can be submitted until June 30, 2023.

The Drug Law Citizens Assembly is looking for public feedback and suggestions.

All related societal problems can be brought to the government’s attention. According to the minister, it is the responsibility of society to protect children and youth from the dangers of drugs.

The new government reform led by Leo Varadkar, who passed the same-sex marriage and abortion laws, is making progress on the drug issue! Varadkar plans to legislate and make a decision on this before the next election.

You can also submit your comments and positions on the amendments to the laws on drug use in Ireland at the link below. As the opinions submitted by those who take a liberal stance on drug use can be organised, such opinions are more likely to be accepted due to the group’s strength.

The Citizens’ Assembly website allows the general public to submit anti-drug proposals.

Make a submission

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