HSE confirms that student nurses worked in Ireland’s worst-hit centres during pandemic

DUBLIN: HSE confirms that student nurses were sent to one of Ireland’s worst-hit nursing homes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Student nurses have been used to “rescue” St Mary’s Hospital in Dublin’s Phoenix Park, which is in crisis due to a severe staff shortage. The HSE disclosed this information in the documents given to Fine Gael TD Fergus O’Dowd.

The students were recruited by the HSE Community Healthcare Organisation Dublin North City and County (CHO DNCC). HSE said they were the ones who referred some of them to St. Mary’s Hospital.

Meanwhile, Sinn Féin’s Health Spokesperson David Cullinane, came out against the revelation. “Throughout this pandemic, thousands of student nurses have bravely worked long, exhausting shifts, to keep our families and our communities safe. Despite the potential risks to themselves, they were willing to be exposed to COVID-19 to help others,” he said.

“Today’s revelations are yet more proof of the essential work that they do. They are the backbone of our healthcare system. They deserve fair pay and conditions,” Mr. Cullinane added.

HSE records show that all staff at St. Mary’s Hospital played a critical role during the COVID-19 period. Student nurses who have chosen to collaborate with other health professionals are also willing. Their work was supervised by the nursing staff.

The move follows an announcement by the health minister in April about the temporary appointment of nursing and midwifery students as health care assistants. It was also announced that they would be paid according to the Health Care Assistant Scale- HSE says.