Immigration Stances to Shape Upcoming Local Elections..

Dublin: As local elections draw near, opinion polls and ensuing discussions have intensified. The latest polls indicate that immigration-related issues and stances will significantly influence the election outcomes. Data suggests that anti-immigration sentiment is notably strong among the Irish electorate.

A Sunday Times poll conducted between May 8 and 15 reveals that over half of the voters in Ireland are concerned about immigration and advocate for stricter controls. These findings stand in contrast to a poll conducted last week by The Irish Times, which predicted a four-point increase in support for Fine Gael and a five-point decline for Sinn Féin.

Independent Candidates to Play a Crucial Role

Polls indicate that independent candidates and their positions on immigration will be pivotal. Support for independents has risen from 17% to 19%, with 68% of their backers favouring stricter immigration policies.

Sinn Féin remains the frontrunner with 27% support, although 56% of its supporters hold anti-immigration views. Fine Gael’s popularity has dipped by one point to 19%, while Fianna Fáil’s support remains steady at 16%.

Voter Sentiments on Immigration

The poll shows that 51% of Fine Gael voters and 47% of Fianna Fáil supporters believe immigration should be more tightly controlled. Overall, only 12% of those polled support easing immigration restrictions, while 10% prefer maintaining the current policies.

Older demographics are more likely to support stricter immigration measures. Among homeowners with adult children, 54% favour more control, and this sentiment is shared by 45% of those without children. Additionally, 43% of foreign-born respondents and 53% of native-born respondents advocate for stronger immigration controls.

These insights highlight the critical role immigration issues will play in the upcoming elections, reflecting widespread voter concerns and the potential impact on candidate success.

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