Inequality in COVID-19 vaccine supply; WHO criticises world nations

The head of the World Health Organization, Dr. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, said there was a moral failure in the world over the distribution of COVID-19 vaccine. He also pointed out the imbalance between the world’s richest and poorest countries in vaccinating.

Although the discovery of effective vaccines has been successful, Dr. Tedros says, there are differences between rich and poor countries in their distribution.

He criticised the fact that only 25 doses of the vaccine were given to the poorest country, while the 49 richest countries received 39 million COVID vaccines, which is a major moral failure.

It is right that every government should give priority to vaccinating its own health workers and the elderly first. But he blamed that it was wrong to vaccinate young healthy people in rich countries before the vaccination of health workers and elderly people in poorer countries.

Everyone in the world can get the vaccine that they need. But now, the nations must work together as a global family to make vaccines available to the vulnerable and frontline groups in all countries – Dr. Tedros said. At the same time, Tedros said that the theme of World Health Day on April 7 would be ‘health inequality’.