Ireland plans to extend Level 5 restrictions until Easter; announcement will be made after cabinet meeting

DUBLIN: Indications are that the Level 5 restrictions that were in place in Ireland until March 5 may be extend until April 12.

According to government sources, the new proposals will be implemented subject to the decision of the next cabinet. At the same time, preparations are likely to be made for the phased opening of schools and the commencement of construction operations by March itself. According to government sources, all remaining sectors will only be reopened after Easter.

Meanwhile, the Tánaiste made it clear yesterday that a mandatory hotel quarantine would make it very difficult to leave or get into Ireland. This has caused panic among international travelers preparing for emergency travel.

Mr. Varadkar, who is also the party leader, responded by confirming the concerns shared by several TDs at the Fine Gael parliamentary party meeting.

The Tánaiste noted that there are currently a number of complications and constitutional difficulties in bringing in new laws to keep hotel quarantine for 14 days for people from high-risk countries.

The government is expected to enact legislation next week to impose a mandatory hotel quarantine on travellers from some high-risk countries, including Brazil and South Africa.

He pointed out that the UK and Ireland are two islands with five jurisdictions. Mr. Varadkar said he was not sure if North was planning any mandatory quarantine regime.

At the same time, the Tánaiste told the parliamentary party that it was reassuring that the number of COVID-19 cases had declined at a rate of 30% per week.

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