Irish expert opposes the Italian move to decriminalise surrogacy

Padraig Rice, LGBT Ireland’s policy and research manager in Ireland, said Italy’s move to ban surrogacy was worrying. Although surrogacy was already illegal in Italy, Italians were free to practise it elsewhere. However, the right-wing government of Georgia Meloni is moving to criminalise those who travel abroad to give birth via surrogacy. If it becomes law, violators could face fines of up to €1 million and up to two years in prison.

Meloni’s party, the Brothers of Italy, says the reason for the ban is that surrogacy affects the lives of less wealthy women and is not a natural method.

At the same time, Rice, who opposed this law in Italy, also stated that it is necessary to legislate correctly on surrogacy in Ireland. Rice went on to say that surrogacy is very helpful in starting a family and that legislation with clear guidelines on the subject is for everyone’s safety.

Annette Hickey, an expert on artificial insemination laws in Ireland, also said Italy’s move was worrying and she would not support such a law in any way. She added that an ethical approach to surrogacy is required.

Although the law criminalises anyone who carries out surrogacy, the law in Italy mainly affects same-sex partners. This is because surrogacy is the only option open to them, as having a baby of their own is not naturally possible.

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