Is Ireland facing a food shortage? Experts rule out food shortages in Ireland

Dublin: Experts dismiss the possibility of a food shortage in Ireland. According to Declan Hughes, assistant secretary of the Department of Enterprise, Trade, and Employment’s Indigenous Enterprise Unit, supply chain challenges will not result in a significant reduction in goods arrivals. He also stated that isolated incidents involving specific products could occur in the future. He was speaking at a multi-agency meeting with officials from the Revenue, Department of Agriculture, Department of Transport, and An Garda Siochána at Dublin Port.

He said that those in the retail supply chain are at the forefront of meeting the challenges posed by the economic downturn. Retailers, hauliers, distributors, and importers deserve credit for ensuring supply continuity. There have been better interactions in the last two days, and the benefits will be reaped.

Some supermarkets, including Marks & Spencer, have reported shortages of certain items as a result of difficulties in implementing new customs systems and procedures. But he insisted that it didn’t matter. Freight and haulage groups say the shortfall in their firms is because British companies are largely unprepared for the new requirements.

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