Let’s prepare for Brexit; Varadkar will write to 225,000 Ireland businesses

Tánaiste Leo Varadkar plans to write letters to 225,000 Ireland businesses asking them to prepare for Brexit.

Mr. Varadkar’s letter will reach to all businesses which are registered and linked with Companies Registration Office.

The letter carries details about what the companies need to do in order to make their business ready for the Britain’s exit from the single market and customs union on January 1.

Businesses in Ireland will receive a letter from Varadkar in the coming days as negotiations to reach an EU-UK trade agreement between Brussels and London continue.

The letter will explain how to handle customs and how to obtain the Economic Operator Registration and Identification (EORI) number.

His letter will also summaries how businesses can understand their supply chain; how to manage cash flow and it also contains other relevant information along with contact details to access Government grants and advice.

Mr Varadkar said that he is writing the letter to all businesses, asking them to make sure their business is ready for the significant change this will bring for them, their staff and their customers.

He also said that “2020 has been a year like no other. I know that Brexit is yet another challenge for businesses, after what has been an exceptionally difficult few month. However, we must prepare now.”

“The Government is here to help with money, training and advice available. This letter today is about helping as many businesses as possible to access these significant measures.” He added.