Long 48-year history between EU-UK has ended; Britain officially leaves EU

DUBLIN: After almost half a century of ties, Britain officially leaves the European Union. The long 48-year history has ended here. After long negotiations and uncertainty, a new trade agreement was reached between Britain and Europe. There is no other way but to wait to see what the friendly relationship between the two sides will be like in the future. Britain became an “independent country” when the Brexit transition period ended on December 31.

Prime Minister Boris Johnson, who carried out Britain’s declaration of independence, has stated that the future of the nation is now in the hands of the people. Mr. Johnson also called for a new relationship with the European Union. The Brexit withdrawal agreement was supported by a majority of MPs in a vote in the House of Commons.

In a referendum in June 2016, 17.5 million people, or 52% of the population, said Britain should leave the European Union and become an independent nation. 16.1 million, or 48%, voted to remain. Since then, British politics has been dominated by issues raised in the Brexit referendum. Prime Ministers David Cameron and Theresa May had to step down over the same issue. At one point, there was even the possibility of a new referendum on the Brexit issue.

The referendum showed a UK divided about much more than the EU. In addition, the referendum was a cure-all from secession and Immigration to Capitalism, the British Empire, and British Modernity.

Leaving the European single market and the Customs Union is sure to create a barrier at the borders. It can also cause more red tape. This makes importing and exporting goods across the EU-UK border even more costly for exporters.

The English Port of Dover is expected to be less crowded in early January but is expected to be busy again by the middle of the month.

This means that pet passports and driving licence rules and data laws for the British in Europe are changing with the passage of half a century. It remains to be seen how all this will affect the British and EU countries.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen has spoken emotionally after reaching a Christmas Eve trade deal amid complications. She quoted both William Shakespeare and TS Eliot as a reflection of his mood. “Parting is such sweet sorrow,” she said. “What we call the beginning is often the end. And to make an end is to make a beginning,” she added.