Minister will meet Sports representatives today to discuss about the guidelines

The Minister for sports will meet with the sports representatives today. The representatives of the GAA and FAI will be present in the meeting.

Catherine Martin, the Minister for Sports along with the department officials will meet the IRFU, GAA FAI and Sports Ireland to the restrictions and guidelines regarding the Covid-19.

The presence of Stephen Donnelly, Minister for Health and Dr Ronan Glynn, Acting Chief Medical Officer is also expected in the meeting.

The main agenda of the meeting will be regarding the safe accommodation of the crowd as well as their entrance and exit from the stadium. As per the current rule no audience are allowed for any sporting events. All of them are happening behind closed doors.

It was two weeks ago, the latest restrictions were announced and it created disappointment and frustration among certain sporting bodies.

It is understood Minister Martin is keen to see restrictions lifted on spectator numbers for events, but in way that is safe and in line with health guidelines.