More than 100 monkeypox cases confirmed in Ireland

DUBLIN: More than 100 cases of monkeypox have now been confirmed in Ireland.

According to latest figures from Health Protection Surveillance Centre (HPSC), a total of 101 cases have been reported. This is an increase of four from the 97 cases reported last Wednesday.

Public health officials are tracking down those who were in close contact with each patient while they were infectious.

Monkeypox is a viral infection that causes a spotty, itchy and sore rash and sometimes a fever. Last month, the World Health Organization declared monkeypox a “public health emergency of international concern”.

Director of the National Immunisation Office Dr Lucy Jessop said that the number of virus cases is “not increasing at an alarming rate”, but a relatively stable number of new monkeypox cases are identified each week.

The majority of the monkeypox cases are found in gay and bisexual men. According to HIV Ireland’s MPOWER scheme, which develops resources and services to support the sexual health of gay and bisexual men, there is “still an opportunity to bring this outbreak to an end, with a robust and rapid vaccination plan for those at risk”.