Naas General Hospital confirmed Covid-19 outbreak at their ward

Covid-19 outbreak in one ward of Naas hospital was identified yesterday and officially confirmed by the Hospital.

There were eight suspected cases of Covid-19 at the hospital yesterday, according to the latest available figures of HSE.

The ward has been closed to new admissions as patients in the ward continue their care and treatment.

The source of the outbreak is believed to be a member of the hospital cleaning staff, as reported by the Irish Times.

It is known that the hospital is undertaking tests and contact tracing for both staff and patients.

The hospital reported that the patients’ swab tests returned as negative this evening and staff identified as close contacts are self-isolating.

The hospital provided key hospital contacts to staff and patients for any concerns that need to be addressed.

The hospital stated that it would like to reassure staff and patients that the protection of public health is of the utmost importance and also that appropriate action has been taken in accordance with the national guidelines.

The SIPTU organizer, John Hubbard, said that management has stated that public health protocols are being followed, that testing and contact tracing are taking place.

“This reported outbreak is a stark reminder that as a community, we all must remain vigilant and continue to play our part in supporting all workers on the frontline by adhering to national Covid-19 guidelines,” said John Hubbard.