National lockdown for six weeks in Ireland

The Cabinet has decided to move the level of restrictions to level 5 as the number of Covid 19 cases is skyrocketing.

The cabinet approved the lockdown proposals after about three hours of discussions.

The national lockdown has been approved for six weeks from Wednesday. But after four weeks, the situation is likely to change based on the situation.

The National Health Council and Chief Medical Officer Tony Holohan had previously recommended six weeks of level 5 restrictions.

But the schools and the construction sectors will function as usual.

The maximum distance that can be traveled from home is restricted to five kilometers. This does not apply to essentials and work.

The total number of confirmed Covid-19 infections in Ireland so far has crossed 50,000. Today alone, the health department reported 1,031 cases.

No further deaths have been reported due to the virus. But 34 people are being treated in hospitals in critical condition.

With the implementation of Level 5, visitors to private homes will not be allowed and the number of people who can attend weddings (25 guests) and funerals (10 people) will be limited.

Bars, cafes, restaurants and wet pubs are only allowed to operate takeaways or delivery services.

Only essential retail outlets will be allowed to remain open. All other retail and personal services must be closed.

The pandemic unemployment payment for people with a previous income of 400 euros or more was raised again to 350 euros a week.

What are the level 5 restrictions?

  • Most social activities will be stopped or severely restricted as part of the restrictions.
  • Visitors won’t be allowed in homes. In addition, all gatherings in other places will be prohibited.
  • Organized indoor and outdoor gatherings such as cultural events are not allowed.
  • Group sports or competitions will not be allowed.
  • Religious services may be conducted online, but places of worship may be open for personal prayer.
  • Only 10 people will be allowed at the funeral.
  • Only six guests will be allowed at the wedding.
  • Bars, cafes, restaurants and pubs will be limited to takeaway or delivery services.
  • Services such as hairdresser and barber are also not allowed.
  • Retail sale of essential items will be allowed.