New bill proposed; Workers with symptoms can take six weeks sick leave without any kind of salary cutting

A new bill has been proposed by the government which will allow the employees who are covid positive, to take six weeks sick leave without any kind of salary cutting.

Alan Kelly, the Labor party leader has brought in the bill and said that he wanted to make sure that the workers and society are guarded from the virus attack.

Many organizations had already requested the government to raise needful measures to help the workers. The National Public Health Emergency Team (NPHET) had also recemented the government to clarify the concerns of the workers and to support them financially as well as morally.

The low payed workers are always forced to work because they don’t have any other options. Many people feel that workers should not feel that or they shouldn’t be pushed into such a situation where they need to work with the covid symptoms.

Under the legislation, workers would be entitled to six weeks’ sick pay at the same rate as annual leave and after six-week period they move on to illness benefits.

The company have to pay the initial six days of sick pay entirely and after that they would be able to claim any sort of illness benefits due to the worker.

Reports are trying to seek information the Minister for Social Protection Heather Humphreys and Labour’s Employment Affairs spokesperson, Senator Marie Sherlock regarding the new proposal of the sick pay leave bill.

Dr Ronan Glynn the Acting Chief Medical Officer raised the concerns of people not wearing the face masks properly. As the schools reopens, the public was advised to wear face mask properly.

Glynn said that he often finds people wearing the mask on their chin or with their nose exposed. This would only increase the risk of getting infected.  

He said the official guidance is that face visors are an acceptable alternative but they’re not as good as a face covering.

‘So, if possible, wear a face covering rather than a face visor. But there will of course be scenarios where people can only wear a face visor and, in those scenarios, obviously that’s acceptable.’

‘We’re seeing far too many people walking around with them under their chin. We’re seeing many people wearing them with their nose exposed.’ he said.