No redundancy pay; workers at Dublin nursing home struggling sort a way out

Nurses and health workers at a nursing home is often referred to as angels and Gods, but these glorifications shrink to just mere words when these angels are in need of help.

The previously agreed redundancy package still remains as a question mark for the staffs at Dublin nursing home. They say that the package is not yet given to them because of the shortage of money.

A total of 64 staffs including nurses, care assistance and support staffs are going to become jobless as their owner plans to shut their work place.

These workers believe that they are been chained to the same position at the liquidate department store Debenhams. They are struggling to get their redundancy package as the company goes on extending it with excuses.

Cook Yvonne Tormey has turned out to be the voice of the workers there. She says that now it has become a trend of leaving behind the workers as the company fear about their existence.

 “It needs to stop; it is across the sector you know you have the Debenhams workers out there as well the same thing happened to them.” She said.

She also added that “We are all in the same situation being locked out of our jobs. There is no redundancy and it doesn’t matter how many years you have worked there.”

These voices were carrying the pain of helplessness as the workers were chucked out without giving proper benefits or proper rights.