“Nurses are leaving Ireland because they are homeless”

Dublin: The main reason nurses are leaving Ireland is the housing crisis, and housing issues have been discussed in Sinn Féin Dáil discussions.

Pearse Doherty, Sinn Féin finance spokesman, pointed out that rent accounts for half of Dublin nurses’ salaries. Nurses are worried about their future. They decide to leave the country because they see no future here.

Ireland’s house prices are at an all-time high. Rising rents and increasing numbers of homeless people are exacerbating the housing crisis. Many nurses are migrating here. They don’t have a place to stay. This is causing a big crisis.

TD called on the government to implement Sinn Féin’s policy of a three-year rent freeze to tackle the issue. Doherty also stated that the people should be given back one month’s rent. TD said that the government’s current policy is putting health workers in more trouble.

Labor leader Ivana Bacik called on the government to introduce legislation to ensure the repurposing of abandoned and unused houses.

Bacik said the shortage of teachers and nurses was caused by people not being able to find accommodation in cities despite being paid well.

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