Official talks on new public service pay agreement coming soon

Public Expenditure and Reform Minister Michael McGrath said he would soon hold formal talks with public service unions and staff associations on Ireland’s new pay reform.

Following the expiration of the contract from January 2018 on December 31, the government has come forward this week to discuss the pay revision.

The Minister said it was time to take a decision on the pay hike. He hoped that a sustainable and appropriate agreement could be implemented based on the country’s current economic security.

McGrath said all parties have the opportunity to actively work towards an agreement that benefits all.

Meanwhile, the Public Expenditure Reform Department said in a statement that discussions on the pay reform would begin at the Workplace Relations Commission later this week.

The Public Service Committee (PSC) of the Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) met yesterday morning ahead of the formal discussion. At the meeting, it was decided to participate in the discussion related to salary reform.