Online training programme to assist affected Irish firms in developing the capacity to fulfill additional customs requirements

Skillnet Ireland is looking for more work force for its online training program. The program encourages the development of skills that can help prepare businesses for Brexit and help them thrive in the future.

The training program, Clear Customs aims to assist affected Irish companies in developing the capacity to handle additional customs requirements from 1 January 2021. There have been over 750 applications from businesses for the programme since its launch on 10 September.

Irish businesses have been asked to raise their workforce to prepare for increased customs regulations since the beginning of next year.

Businesses trading with or through Great Britain will be subject to new customs and regulatory requirements from 1 January 2021.

Minister of State for Skills and Further Education Niall Collins pointed out that, the Skillnet Ireland’s Clear Customs program would support Irish Businesses in all needs.

“Over 90,000 Irish businesses trade with or through Great Britain every year. The Clear Customs programme is designed to address the needs of each of those businesses,” Minister Niall Collins said. 

The number of customs declarations expected since withdrawing the United Kingdom from the Customs Union and from the Single Market is estimated to rise from 1.6 million to 20 million per year.

The Clear Customs project is immediately accessible free of cost to eligible companies and is delivered through a new smartphone application and virtual training sessions in the classroom.

“We want to increase the reach of the programme to those businesses that are not yet prepared for the changes underway,” said Skillnet Ireland chief executive Paul Healy.

“To ensure they have enough time to complete the course, which is five weeks in duration, we would urge companies to sign up sooner rather than later,” he added.