People with CF can now apply for PPE grant

Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are now available for people with cystic fibrosis. People with CF or their guardians can apply for €100 per applicant until August 22.

Research done by Cystic Fibrosis Ireland (CFI) has highlighted PPE as a big issue for those who are affected with the disease.  

Ireland has the highest incidence of CF in the world, with almost 1,400 people diagnosed here. People with CF will produce more amount of sweat, thick and sticky mucus that can clog the lungs and obstruct the pancreas. It is therefore necessary for them, as well as others, to have a PPE kit for their personal protection. Those affected will also experience frequent lung infections, wheezing and shortness of breath.

In order to be eligible for the grant, applicants must do a free register as a member of the CFI and as a permanent resident of the Republic of Ireland.

Phil Watt, CFI chief executive commented that, “As a member-led organisation, we know that there are additional costs associated with purchasing PPE for non-hospital activities and we hope that this initiative will help with some of these additional expenses as we continue to navigate our way through this pandemic.”

The PPE grant is worth up to €120,000 in total. “I would encourage all those with CF in Ireland who feel they would benefit from this grant to apply before the closing date of August 22,” he added.

CFI has introduced various initiatives during this pandemic such as online counselling for their members, access to online exercise supports and mentoring, and financial support for a number of hospital CF units to develop virtual clinics.