Petition: Reform of Irish judicial system is necessary to control rising juvenile crimes

DUBLIN: Juvenile crime is on the rise in Ireland, and there is currently no legal provision in place to punish the young offenders. Gardai are powerless to stop these young/teenage criminals who scare people with lethal weapons like knives, screwdrivers, and hammers. A petition is being circulated online urging for immediate changes to the law to control these young criminals.

Violence against immigrants and international students, including Indians, is reported on a daily basis in urban areas of Ireland, especially in Dublin. Recent incidences of widespread encroachment in Indian-owned shops in Dublin sparked significant outrage among the public.

Not only that juvenile offenders behind such attacks going unpunished, but the fact that juvenile crime is on the rise in Ireland is also driving the group calling for the regulation of youngsters.

Parents are failing to carry out their responsibilities as educators and guardians. It is not possible under the current legal system to punish these juvenile offenders. The Irish juvenile justice system is way too lenient and does not serve the purpose of preventing such criminal acts.

Therefore, the petition reminds us that a radical reform of the legal system, judiciary and juvenile rehabilitation system is necessary. Any young person who commits a severe offense should face consequences. There is also a need to step up Gardai intervention in such situations.

“It is time to step up. Before it is too late, it is now the time the State show that they exist, they are not afraid to deal with criminal activities committed by young people, they are close to the communities and able to protect them all!,” the petition said.

“We desperately need to try to prevent that these youngsters become the next lawless criminal gangs! This is our future society, we need to act before it gets badly compromised!,” it added.

The organisers urge everyone to sign the petition for a peaceful future for Ireland by clicking on the link below:

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