Ready to open more doors to European immigration: states EU

Rome: President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen should follow the example of Italy and adopt a humane approach to migrants.

The head of the commission’s remarks at the EU summit pointed to Italy’s humanitarian corridors.  The president of the commission explained that the door of humanity should be opened in front of the migrants.

Von der Leyen said that the opportunity to legally immigrate to the European Union should be increased. She is also in favour of increasing the number of workers from third countries.

It has been stated that Italy anticipates decisions on this issue at the European Union summit.

The majority of European countries are on the lookout for more skilled workers. Even in existing sectors, there is a labour shortage. The list of industries that require more workers continues to grow, including hotel management, finance, and IT development.

With the EU’s steps towards establishing a common policy for the recruitment of skilled workers from non-EU countries soon to be completed, more workers may be able to come to Europe legally.

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