Real-life ‘Kumbhakarna’! Indian man sleeps 300 days a year due to rare disorder

A 42-year-old Indian man sleeps 300 days a year and has been dubbed the real-life ‘Kumbhakarna,’ the mythological character from Ramayan famed for sleeping undisturbed for six months.

Pukharam, a resident of Bhadwa village in Rajasthan’s Nagaur district, suffers from Axis Hypersomnia, a rare sleeping disorder. While most people usually sleep for six to nine hours, Purkharam sleeps for 20-25 days at a stretch, earning him the name ‘Kumbhkarna’ from his villagers.

Axis Hypersomnia is caused by fluctuations in protein in the brain known as TNF-alpha. Pukhram was diagnosed with this condition 23 years ago, and at that period he used to sleep for 5 to 7 days straight. “Gradually, his condition aggravated and his periods of sleep increased and now he sleeps for 20-25 days a month,” his family members were quoted by ANI as saying.

It has affected his daily life because it is difficult to wake him up once he has fallen asleep, so even his daily activities such as bathing and feeding are performed by family members.

Due to this condition he is only able to run the grocery store five days a month and there have been instances where he has fallen asleep even at work.

Pukhram’s family had earlier sought treatment but no cure has been found for his condition. However, his wife Lichmi Devi and mother Kanvari Devi hope that he will recover quickly and return to normal life.

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