Reasonable excuses for leaving home without a €100 Garda fine

The Gardai imposes fines on those who violate the 5km travel restriction. The on-the-spot charges-€100 fine-took effect on 11 January. Since then, the Gardai has levied more than 2,400 fines.

Last Sunday alone, Gardaí processed 909 fines. In addition, 645 further fines were imposed. Checkpoints and several patrols are being set up across the country to monitor public health regulations. However, if there are valid reasons, we could leave home and travel without following the prescribed travel limit.

The official website of Citizens Information describes 17 such situations – as follows:

  • Travelling to work if you cannot work from home
  • Providing care to a vulnerable person or attending to other vital family matters
  • Farming and other agricultural activities
  • Going to school or bringing your child to school
  • Going to college where it is necessary to attend in person
  • Accessing childcare services
  • Travelling to visit your children as part of an access arrangement, or travelling to allow access to children
  • Attending a medical or dental appointment, or going to a medical or dental appointment with a vulnerable person or someone you live with
  • Going to another person’s house if you are in a support bubble with them
  • Seeking essential medical assistance for yourself, someone you live with or for a vulnerable person
  • Donating blood
  • Going to the vet
  • Going to a wedding or funeral
  • Going to court, obeying your bail instructions, attending court offices to initiate emergency legal proceedings
  • Moving accommodation where it is necessary
  • Travel to the airport or port to leave Ireland if you normally live in another country
  • Fleeing domestic abuse or escaping danger

The above are examples of reasonable excuses to leave your home

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