Recent poll indicates Sinn Féin and Fine Gael are ahead in popularity, while Fianna Fáil’s are dropping

Dublin: Sinn Féin and Fine Gael were in the lead in a poll to find the most popular party in Ireland.

According to a recent opinion poll by the Sunday Times / Behaviour and Attitudes, Sinn Féin is the most popular party in Ireland with 32% support. And with 30% support, Fine Gael came second.

The survey has found that in the past month, support for Mary Lou McDonald’s party has risen two points.

Fine Gael rose one point to 30% support. At the same time, popular support for Fianna Fáil fell by one percentage point to 19%.

In the latest poll, Fianna Fáil received 10 percent fewer votes than the recent Red C poll.

At the same time, the Green Party’s support fell one point to 5%. However, Labor support remains at 3%.

Social Democrats and Solidarity received no difference in votes (1%).

Independents and others won 9% of the vote.

The new survey shows that Sinn Féin’s popularity has soared since the election.

The success of primary handling of Covid was reflected in the vote in favor of Fine Gael.

Voting took place in 12 days until last Tuesday. Due to the additional restrictions placed on Dublin, it was not possible to completely include the responses of the individuals here.