School Christmas break will not to be extended

The Education Minister, Norma Foley said that Christmas breaks won’t be extended.

This decision of Foley, follows a backlash to Teachers’ Union of Ireland calls this week for the school terms to finish on Friday, December 18, rather than Tuesday, December 22.

The Teachers Union said this would not only be a morale boost for pupils and staff, but would also allow them to isolate for a few extra days before visiting elderly or vulnerable relatives during Christmas.

However, Minister Foley said the holidays will remain as planned since the calendar has been set and that families, parents and guardians have organised the schedule around that calendar.

She also added that she is conscious of time that has been missed between March and the end of June and the necessity to make up that time.

The minister added that public health advisers are insisting schools are a safe environment for staff and children.

Teacher unions have warned that some classrooms may have to close when colder weather hits due to poor ventilation in classrooms.

On this, Ms Foley said: ‘The advice really is very clear… windows are open when classes are not in use during break times and lunch times, and vents are opened.’